Galveston Fishing $450 November Price Special

Galveston redfish charters

Fishing in Galveston during the month of November is awesome to say the least.  With each passage of cool air, along with the shortening of daylight hours – the water temps begin to fall and fish begin their Fall feeding.  Along with fall in water temperature, the Northern air that makes it’s way to the Texas Coast also pushes the water out of the flooded marshes and lowers the water levels.  In turn, the shrimp and mullet that have been hiding in the marshes make their way to the bayous and bays and it is an all you can eat buffet for speckled trout, redfish and flounder.

Galveston Speckled Trout Guides

During the first two weeks of November we are offering weekday (Monday thru Thursday) price specials for a four hour Bay/Marsh fishing trip targeting Galveston Redfish, flounder and speckled trout.  You can fish three people for $450 and $50 for each additional person.

Give us a call to book your Fall Fishing Special.


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