Written by: Captain Greg Verm
Current Water Temperatures:
Galveston Causeway: 85.1F
Eagle Point: 84.7F
Galveston North Jetty: 85.8F
San Luis Pass: 86.2F
22 Mile Buoy East of Galveston: 86.7F
The changing of the seasons has always been a magical time for Texas outdoors-men and women. Most likely the most anticipated season is the change from summer to fall. Some will be putting the rods/reels in the closet and reaching in their gun safes for those shotguns and heading out for the highly anticipated Texas dove season. Others are flushing out their center console outboards and pulling out their aluminum skiffs and teal decoys. As some are heading to the woods to check tree stands, feeders and food plots – our Galveston Fishing Guides will be targeting the surf, passes and back lakes while capitalizing on raging tides, rafts of mullet and the reckless spawning redfish.
September is officially the unofficial starting line for the Texas Bull Redfish Run. The higher-than-normal tides aided with the occasional assistance of coastal tropical depressions and storms cook up an almost perfect spawning scenario for Sciaenops ocellatus – aka Redfish catching action. These fish will use our passes from the bays to the Gulf of Mexico to perform their annual breeding activities. Swift currents, high water and raging tides will distribute the fertilized eggs into the back lakes, bays and marshes of Galveston where they eventually hatch, grow and begin their life.
Our Galveston Fishing Charters will be targeting these giant bronze beauties along our Jetties, passes and river mouths. If catching a Giant Red Dragon is on your bucket list – September is a great month to make it happen. Moving tides is key to success as well as being in the right place. Our Galveston Fishing Guides know what to use, where to be and when to be there to get tight lined on the Bull Reds. This is a great time of year to experience the pull of deep sea sized fish, with the beach still in view. We will be using our big game tackle for these Galveston Bull Reds as you are challenged by these burly fish.
The Galveston Bull Red Run can last for weeks and even into November. There have been years when we are still catching these monsters the week of Thanksgiving. We are upon the best time of year for targeting the bull reds. So, in between the dove hunts, duck games and chasing whitetails, give us a call and get hooked up on some Giant Bulls!
Another area that gets lots of action for slot sized redfish is the backlakes and bayous of Galveston Bay. With plentiful rafts of mullet, high tides and hungry fish – a shallow water redfish trip is a great choice for those preferring calmer water, less crowds and light tackle action. On our Galveston Bay and Marsh Fishing Charters our targeted species are redfish, speckled trout and flounder. These scenic trips will be action packed with lots of fish catching action, as well as some pretty cool wildlife to get a glimpse of as well. Alligators, migrating birds, wild hogs and an occasional deer or coyote are always a great bonus on these Galveston Fishing Charters.
Our Galveston Fishing Guides are native to the coast, have a lifetime of fishing experience and love to catch allot of fish.
Give us a call at 409-739-8526 to get in on some Fall Texas Fishing Action or book online here.