Written by Captain Greg Verm Jr
Blue bird skies, crystal clear water and North West winds. The same fish that made our job easy all of October, November and December are harder to find. We spent almost the entire fall in the back marshes of West bay catching very good boxes of Speckled Trout, Redfish, Black drum and Sheepshead. That same stretch of shell that was holding good fish in 3-4ft of water is now in 1-2ft of crystal clear water with lower water levels. As the water temps drop, so do the fish as they head for deeper water. On the blue bird, high pressure days we are moving to the Jetties/beachfront when the wind allows with better results. This time of year Sheepshead, Speckled Trout and Redfish can all be found while free-lining live shrimp along the Jetties. The Sheepshead spawn won’t kickoff until March but we are still catching good numbers along with occasional trout or redfish. The Trout have been few and far between but the ones we do catch are very solid fish. Never know when you are going to hook into that 8lber!
Now booking Spring break inshore trips, get the kids out of the house and on the water. We also have very limited availability for Red Snapper trips, the season opens tentatively June 1st.