Written by Captain Greg Verm
Current Water Temperatures:
Eagle Point: 55.4F
Galveston Causeway: 55.6F
North Galveston Jetty: 57.4F
San Luis Pass: 59.0F
22 Mile Buoy Gulf of Mexico: 57.6F
60 Mile Buoy South of Freeport: 67.8F
One constant about winter weather on the Texas Gulf Coast is it is never constant. One day we will experience high 70’s to mid 80’s temperatures and southerly winds 20 plus knots that give way to north-westerly winds 30 plus knots with temperatures in the 30’s. Then follow that up with zero wind for 5 days and you have a typical weather pattern for the upper Texas Gulf Coast.
The Back Lakes and Marshes are producing some great catches as well. Especially when the winds are too high to be on the open waters of the beachfront – these back lakes are great refuge to catch red fish, speckled trout, and bay snapper are being caught. These are the same areas we hold our Galveston Summer Fishing Camps – so this Friendly Family Fishing Charter is a sure hit for kids and those that do not want to worry about seasickness. No one EVER gets seasick on a Galveston Bay and Marsh fishing charter.
February Fishing and Lodging Special Price
If you are looking for a great family getaway, or a weekend with friends and even corporate entertainment – check our our February Fishing & Lodging Special. With two nights lodging and a day of fishing – for a price to fit any budget, this is a deal you can not let slip by! Give us a call at 409-739-8526 or email Captain Greg at greg@fishinggalvestontx.com for more information.