Galveston Summer Camp for Kids


This past week we held our two day Galveston Summer Camp for Kids.  The first day started with instuctional and hands on learning the basics of knot tying, proper rigging, boating safety, how to battle a fish and keep it on the hook, parts of a spinning reel and how to cast safely.  In our opinion these fishing basics are the building blocks of kids learning the fun that our great outdoors have to offer.  There is nothing more frustrating then going fishing only to have a knot come untied, or even worse – not even get a bite, not to mention getting a hook in someone.  The basic fundamentals we teach the kids will ensure safe successful trips, and a love for the great outdoors.


Learning the basics of rigging a fishing pole is the first step to getting hooked up on fish.  After the kids demonstrated how to tie a proper fishing know, we let them rig up their own poles for the fishing trip to come.  First, before we boarded the boats to go fishing in Galveston Bay – we had hands on instructional casting at the dock.  Our goal was to teach the kids how to cast accurately, and most importantly – SAFELY!  By the end of day two of our Galveston Fishing Camp – the kids were able to 25 yards and actually pinpointing casts.  Very much progress in only two short days!


After we took a quick lunch break we boarded the boats and were off to Galveston Bay for some fishing.  As we made our way thru the marsh – we had crab pods set out for the kids to pull up.  Each child had their own crab pod and it was with great anticipation as each pulled in their catch.


Once all 12 crab pods were pulled in, emptied and rebaited – we let the kids know to keep their eyes peeled in search of ALLIGATORS as we made our way out to Galveston Bay thru the bayous and marsh.  Guess what… we saw one.  A nice 4 to 5 foot Galveson Gator!



Once we made it to the fishing areas – it was time to test the skills that were just minutes ago introduced.  Yes, these kids caught many fish, and many types of fish.  From Redfish, croakers, flounder, sheepshead, black drum, speckled trout, hardhead catfish, and many more species – these kids had a blast reeling in fish after fish.  One thing to remember when it comes to introducing kids to fishing is it does not matter what they are catching – kids just wanna catch fish!  It does not matter if it is a trophy worth bragging about, or a fish that is great table fare – kids wanna see a cork (bobber) go under and reel in a fish.  It was such a great feeling to see the smiles of kids reeling in their catch.  Each child was so proud of every fish they caught, and wanted to measure each one and take a picture with their catch.  When it was time to head back to the dock – each kid wanted to stay longer!  That is when you know – they are having FUN!


We had a great, successful camp.  We believe we introduced kids to a sport that they will enjoy their entire lives.  We are already receiving many requests for another camp, and are working on dates and details now.  If you may be interested in enrolling your child, grandchild, neice, nephew, etc – give us a call.

Give a Man a fish, Feed him for a Day.  Teach a Child to fish, Feed him for a lifetime.

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