Giant Galveston Flounder

flounder fishing in galveston

The month of December has been great here in Galveston Texas for fishing and flounder gigging.  The cooler temperatures have dropped the water temps which in turn clears the waters of Galveston Bay tremendously.  We have had a spectacular month of flounder gigging with Giants hitting the deck up to 9 lbs.  Our fish are coming off of mostly sandy bottoms adjacent to deep water.  The cooler water temps, and clear water allow us to see the bottom in as deep of water as 5 foot.  This greatly increases our chances of seeing more fish, bigger fish, and covering allot more area.

If you have never experienced the thrill of seeing these tremendous fish laying on the bay floor waiting to ambush their next meal – give us a call for the fishing trip of a lifetime in Galveston Texas.  Our experienced Galveston Fishing Guides will put you in the right place at the right time to give you the best opportunity to bag your trophy of a lifetime.  These are great trips for families and kids as well as a group of buddies getting out on the water for an evening of unforgettable fun!  Give us a call, pack your camera, and we will take care of the rest!  409-739-8526

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